A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported our #GivingTuesday campaign on social media. Because of your generous donations, we raised over $1,000 in 24 hours which will be matched 3x's totaling $3,000. We're also grateful for the folks who sent in checks to our office. These funds will support our prevention efforts within the community.
We draw the community together into a spirit of collaboration and service. Some examples of our programs:
Filling the Gap Lunches for Kids - food for hungry children during times when no school or summer lunch programs are available (spring break and the last weeks of summer vacation)
Bags of Blessings - personal care items for our placed at-risk neighbors
Safe Streets Wichita - youth-focused drug and alcohol abuse prevention coalitions and training, reducing neighborhood violence
Doing together what we can not do alone. We are so grateful! Contact us to learn more about your tax-deductible donation.